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Our Services

Looking for a reliable and experienced private investigator or detective agency in india? Pvt Detective Agency is your trusted partner for professional investigation services.

detective agency Document Proof

Documentary Proof

We can verify authenticity of following certificates and documents like Birth certificate, Death certificate, Marriage certificate, Aadhar card, Election card etc.

Background Checks

Background Checks 

Background check is the process of checking the personal, professional, financial and criminal history of a person, so that we can stay safe from that person..
Pre-matrimonial Investigation

Pre-matrimonial Investigation

Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and trust is its foundation. A Pre-Matrimonial Investigation helps couples ensure transparency and make informed decisions before tying the knot. 
pvt detective

Extramarital Affairs Investigation


Missing Person Tracing

Character Report

Character Report

About PVT Detective agency

Worldwide Service
24/7 service in india
3000 + Happy client
10 + Years of Experience
pvt detective agency
Our History
  • Nam pharetra tristique purus id tempus.
  • Nullam fermentum enim id justo suscipit congue.
  • Quisque placerat nunc tortor, in aliquet lacus.
  • Fusce ipsum mauris, vehicula vel neque non.
Our Goals & Visions
  • Donec non risus malesuada, egestas eros eget
  • Sed quis massa in neque fermentum ultrices ut ut.
  • Nunc auctor venenatis urna. Donec quis erat leo.
  • Maecenas id interdum est vitae dui ut congue.
  • Donec quis dictum ligula, sed porta nisi non
  • Sed eget dictum sapien. Suspendisse potenti.
  • Nullam consequat ex nisl, vitae ultrices.
  • Quisque ante tortor, efficitur condimentum dolor.

Improving Quality and Length of our Services

Ut faucibus nisl vitae imperdiet porttitor. Aenean eu metus ac felis porta egestas. Sed semper, libero ac egestas mattis, ante ligula tempor magna, id faucibus urna nisl nec orci. Vivamus ante felis, dictum at accumsan ac, pulvinar vitae purus. Morbi aliquam felis ex, eu tempor eros gravida vel. Maecenas tempus urna sit amet eros molestie, vel vestibulum posuere.

pvt dA

Our reviews speak.

Pellentesque dolor diam, venenatis nec nunc nec, lobortis egestas enim. Sed quis nulla ac orci congue commodo. Proin sed varius nunc. Nulla metus nisi, gravida at lorem ut, sagittis ultricies nibh.

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1st floor Janki Sadan, Lal Bahadur shashtri marg,Boring road Patna